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Forming active indicative verbs

Present Tense

The present tense translates "verbs," "is verbing" or "does verb." It is used for actions that are currently taking place.

  • Obtain the present stem of your verb. This can be done by removing the "-re" from its second principal part.
  • The first person singular form is simply the first principal part of the verb.
  • For the other forms of the verb, add these endings to your stem:
1st person plural -mus
2nd person singular -s 2nd person plural -tis
3rd person singular -t 3rd person plural -nt


  • In third conjugation, the "e" in the stem changes to an "i" in all other forms (e.g. "you read" = legis as opposed to leges) except in the third-person plural, where it changes to a "u" (e.g. "they read" = legunt). Because of this rule, the third conjugation is often nicknamed the "I-O-U" conjugation.
  • In third -IO and fourth conjugations, change the vowel at the end of your stem to "iu" in the third-person plural form before adding the "nt" (e.g. "they seize" = rapiunt as opposed to rapent, "they sleep" = dormiunt as opposed to dormint).

Imperfect Tense

The imperfect tense translates "was verbing" or "used to verb". It is used for repeated, ongoing, or habitual action in the past.

  • Obtain the present stem of your verb. This can be done by removing the "-re" from its second principal part.
  • Add these endings to your stem:
1st person singular -bam 1st person plural -bamus
2nd person singular -bas 2nd person plural -batis
3rd person singular -bat 3rd person plural -bant


  • For third-IO and fourth conjugation verbs, the vowel at the end of the stem changes to "ie" before the endings are added (e.g. "he was coming" = veniebat as opposed to venibat; "he was seizing" = rapiebat as opposed to rapebat).

Future Tense

The future tense translates "will verb". It is used for action that will occur in the future.

1st and 2nd conjugations

  • Obtain the present stem of your verb. This can be done by removing the "-re" from its second principal part.
  • Add these endings to your stem:
1st person singular -bo 1st person plural -bimus
2nd person singular -bis 2nd person plural -bitis
3rd person singular -bit 3rd person plural -bunt


  • None.

3rd, 3rd IO, and 4th conjugations

  • Obtain the present stem of your verb. This can be done by removing the "-re" from its second principal part.
  • Add these endings to your stem:
1st person singular -am 1st person plural -emus
2nd person singular -es 2nd person plural -etis
3rd person singular -et 3rd person plural -ent


  • For 3rd conjugation verbs, the "e" in the stem goes away before the endings are added. (e.g. "he will run" = curret as opposed to curreet)
  • For 3rd IO verbs, an "i" is added in place of that "e" before the endings are added. (e.g. "he will catch" = capiet as opposed to capet)

Perfect Tense

The perfect tense indicates one-time or completed action in the past. It translates "verbed", "did verb", or "has verbed".

  • Obtain the perfect stem of your verb. This can be done by removing the "-i" from its third principal part.
  • Add these endings to the stem:
1st person singular -i 1st person plural -imus
2nd person singular -isti 2nd person plural -istis
3rd person singular -it 3rd person plural -erunt

Pluperfect Tense

The pluperfect tense indicates action completed further in the past. It translates "had verbed".

  • Obtain the perfect stem of your verb. This can be done by removing the "-i" from its third principal part.
  • Add these endings to the stem:
1st person singular -eram 1st person plural -eramus
2nd person singular -eras 2nd person plural -eratis
3rd person singular -erat 3rd person plural -erant

Future Perfect Tense

The future perfect tense indicates action that will have been completed later. It translates "will have verbed".

  • Obtain the perfect stem of your verb. This can be done by removing the "-i" from its third principal part.
  • Add these endings to the stem:
1st person singular -ero 1st person plural -erimus
2nd person singular -eris 2nd person plural -eritis
3rd person singular -erit 3rd person plural


Forming passive indicative verbs

Present, Imperfect, and Future Tenses


  • Take the active forms of the verb in the tense you want to form.
  • Replace the endings -o/-m, -s, -t, -mus, -tis, and -nt with:
1st person singular -or/-r* 1st person plural -mur
2nd person singular -ris 2nd person plural -mini
3rd person singular -tur 3rd person plural


  • The ending "o" becomes "or" and "m" becomes "r".


  • In the present tense for the third and third-IO conjugations, the "i" in the second-person singular form changes back to an "e" before the ending is added (e.g. you are being led = duceris as opposed to duciris; you are being fled = fugeris as opposed to fugiris).
  • In the future tense for the first and second conjugations, the "i" in the second-person singular form changes to an "e" before the ending is added (e.g. you are being loved = amaberis as opposed to amabiris).


Present tense: "is verbed", "is being verbed"

Imperfect tense: "was being verbed", "was verbed"

Future tense: "will be verbed"

Perfect, Pluperfect, and Future Perfect Tenses


  • Take the fourth principal part of your verb. This is called the perfect passive participle.
  • Decline the participle so that it agrees with your subject in gender and number.
  • Add a form of the verb "sum, esse". Conjugate it so that it agrees with the person and number of your subject.
    • For perfect tense, add a present form of "esse"
    • For pluperfect tense, add an imperfect form of "esse"
    • For future perfect tense, add a future form of "esse".


Perfect tense: "has been verbed" (or, more loosely, "was verbed")

Pluperfect tense: "had been verbed"

Future perfect tense: "will have been verbed"

Forming active subjunctive verbs

Note about translation

Subjunctive verbs translate differently depending on their use. See Uses of the subjunctive for more information on translation.

Note about tenses

There is no future or future perfect subjunctive.

Present Tense

  • Obtain your present stem. This can be found by taking off the "-re" from the second principal part.
  • Change the vowel on the end of your stem to:
    • 1st conjugation: e
    • 2nd conjugation: ea
    • 3rd conjugation: a
    • 3rd -IO conjugation: ia
    • 4th conjugation: ia
    • The mnemonic device "WE BEAT A LIAR" should help you remember this.
  • After you have changed the vowel, add the personal endings:
1st person singular -m 1st person plural -mus
2nd person singular -s 2nd person plural -tis
3rd person singular -t 3rd person plural -nt

Imperfect Tense

  • Take the whole second principal part.
  • Add the personal endings:
1st person singular -m 1st person plural -mus
2nd person singular -s 2nd person plural -tis
3rd person singular -t 3rd person plural -nt

Perfect Tense

  • Take the third principal part and remove the "i" to obtain the stem.
  • Add the endings:
1st person singular -erim 1st person plural -erimus
2nd person singular -eris 2nd person plural -eritis
3rd person singular -erit 3rd person plural -erint

Pluperfect Tense

  • Take the third principal part and add the letters "sse".
  • Add the personal endings:
1st person singular -m 1st person plural -mus
2nd person singular -s 2nd person plural -tis
3rd person singular -t 3rd person plural -nt

Forming passive subjunctive verbs

Note about translation

Subjunctive verbs translate differently depending on their use. See Uses of the subjunctive for more information on translation.

Note about tenses

There is no future or future perfect subjunctive.

Present and Imperfect Tenses

  • Take the active subjunctive forms and replace the endings -m, -s, -t, -mus, -tis, and -nt with:
1st person singular -r 1st person plural -mur
2nd person singular -ris 2nd person plural -mini
3rd person singular -tur 3rd person plural -ntur

Perfect and Pluperfect Tenses

  • Take the fourth principal part of your verb. This is called the perfect passive participle.
  • Decline the participle so that it agrees with your subject in gender and number.
  • Add a form of the verb "sum, esse". Conjugate it so that it agrees with the person and number of your subject.
    • For perfect tense, add a present subjunctive form of "esse"
    • For pluperfect tense, add an imperfect subjunctive form of "esse"